Made Circulair in Fryslân – 2025
Becoming, being and remaining a circular leader in Europe
Together, we have been working on a clean, happy and healthy region for almost ten years. With results, because Friesland is one of Europe’s circular leaders! In 2025, we’ll celebrate our circular successes. We proudly show what has already been ‘made circular in Friesland’.
Een schoon, gelukkig en gezond Fryslân. Een circulair Fryslân waarin grondstoffen steeds weer opnieuw worden gebruikt. Toekomstmuziek? Nee: het is het geluid van nú. Al tien jaar lang werken wij samen met onze leden, partners en de provincie Fryslân aan een circulair Fryslân. Stap jij ook in?
Together we make the difference
Discover how we’re working towards a circular economy. This is a taster for 2025!
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Made Circulair in Fryslân
We are proud in Friesland. Our unique, characteristic Frisian character makes us one of the most circular regions in Europe. We don’t do this alone, it’s a joint effort.
Okay, not everyone knows and sees that yet. But we’re going to change that. How? By labelling successes. Literally.
We’re going to share the stories of our best practices and innovative solutions and attach a large – sometimes even enormous – circular label to them. This way, we make it very specific how we can make Friesland circular. And…by sharing our knowledge, we inspire others.
Want to contribute to sharing these stories too? You can order these labels and flyers in various sizes from our member Stavast Creatie. This way, we jointly make visible what makes Friesland circular and inspire others to join in.
Circular Expeditions
We develop circular expeditions with our members and partners especially for organisations that want to see with their own eyes how we work together on a circular economy. A programme with a choice of different themes of a circular economy. This could be about circular construction, a circular hub or a green team at an educational institution. And tasty and local food. Because that’s something else we’re good at! You will soon find the circular expeditions of 2025 here.
What will Circulair Friesland do?
In 2025, we’ll celebrate our circular successes. We show what we have achieved together. What has already been ‘made circular in Fryslân’. And how proud we are of that! But above all, we look ahead. Because we continue to build a future-proof economy. We scale up to more and larger projects and programmes and actively think about adapting laws and regulations that hinder the circular transition. That’s a joint effort, of course. Of the province of Friesland, our members, partners and anyone who is interested in our mission. Our circular journey to tomorrow continues a little further every day.
The anniversary year is organised in collaboration with the province of Friesland. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Karina Pool, Circulair Friesland or Sander Bos, Province of Friesland.
Karina Pool
06 29 49 86 44
Sander Bos
06 54 91 70 79